Selected Portfolio of Original Art for Flat Ink Magazine (Collage, Editorial)

Original Art for “Wilted Shadows” after William Carlos Williams, “This is Just to Say” by Em Dietrich

Original Art for 'Stanza Means Room: On Homes in Literature' by Tola Zysman

Original Art for “Hero-Poet Wolf Found Thousands of Miles From Homeland, Dead" by Ryan Matera
I did not read the article but I think this wolf is dead because, as I mentioned, it was in the obituary section. As far as the news I can deliver in this rag-of-note, I can say only this, firmly: there was a wolf in Southern California.

Original Art for 'Mòó (Second Canto)' by Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu
Susan is life herself. She doesn’t look like it, though. Not with her literally strapped onto the bed, looking on her best days like a ghost-bride in waiting.

Original Art for 'Can You Hear Me Now?'
by Irene Cooper
In 1951, Fred Astaire danced solo on the ceiling of a hotel room in the film, Royal Wedding. He wore dress pants, waistcoat, and a tuxedo shirt—a state of intimate undress, somehow, without his jacket and tie. My brother was under the impression that my father had a pair of shoes that enabled him, too, to dance up the walls and upside down, because my father had told him so. He never had to prove it. They'd just watch the movie when it came on TV and Dad would say, "You know, I've got a pair of shoes like that up in my closet."
Original Art for 'The Phonecall'
by Penelope Staehle
god calls me on the payphone, tells me there aren’t enough magnolia trees in the garden. asks me a question. i spend my whole life answering it.

Original Art for 'Roxie Dobrer on Writing Her Debut Album'
"Most of the songs I’ve ever written are [done] within a few hours. I usually know for about a week before that I have a song I need to write. Then, when the inspiration hits and I know what it’s about, it all comes at once."
Original Art for Virginia Woolf's Lessons on Craft: Punctuation as Language
By Grace Safford. "In her narratives, Woolf not only breathes life into semicolons and colons and em dashes—she speaks punctuation into a creative language."
Original Art for Cycles
By Christyn Refuerzo. "For me, I thought writing could just be a hobby, even though deep down, I knew that it was something I wanted to do for the rest of my little life. But how could I? I barely even thought of myself as a writer—never gave myself the title."
Original Art for 'How Kailey Caldwell’s Path to Healing Became a Roadmap for Us All'
By Mckenna Saady. "Framed as a book of wisdom and guide to empowerment, From the Pillow’s brief, but powerful, lines of verse speak directly to the reader with specific directives and guidance for reconnecting with our own intuition and moving on after traumatic experiences."